Kitchen Remodeling St. Louis, MO

The Sky’s The Limit

Kitchens are personal to homeowners. They provide a sense of comfort and pride, and everyone has a different vision of their perfect kitchen. If your current kitchen is lacking in style, space, or both, turn to the remodeling experts at Mosby Building Arts to create YOUR perfect space. 

Remodeling a kitchen is big undertaking, but Mosby’s comprehensive design build process will give you peace of mind every step of the way. You will be assigned a dedicated team to guide you through the remodeling process, which includes:

  • Discussion of your kitchen remodeling needs and wants
  • Budget setting and upfront estimating to reduce surprises down the road
  • Design of layout, including architecture services if needed
  • Creation of custom pieces like cabinetry, banquettes, islands, mudroom, etc.
  • 3D renderings so you can visualize and understand all details
  • Shopping for materials and appliances with your team of designers
  • Installation of cabinetry, lighting, appliances, flooring and a fresh coat of paint
  • A 10-year workmanship warranty


Custom Kitchen Cost

Wondering how much a custom kitchen remodel might cost in the St. Louis area? Find ranges on our kitchen cost page. 


Semi-Custom Route Instead?

If your kitchen project does not require a new layout or custom features, you may wish to consider our Right Kitchen option. Learn more here. 


Kitchen Inspiration