Increasing the amount of natural light in your home reduces your use of harsh artificial lights in your home.

Enlarge Windows-without enlarging the opening in the wall you can increase daylight with replacement windows that have thinner frames or bay windows whose sides naturally grab more light.

Light Up the Space– Solar tubes bring more light into spaces. They are ideal for rooms where a window or skylight is not feasible

Don’t Rule Out A Skylight-Skylights can add natural light to any space they are in, improved techniques have eliminated most of the leaking problems people used to associate with skylights. The addition of venting panels and remote-control blinds also make them more ideal for indoor climate control.

Let’s Reflect-Place mirrors are the room to reflect existing natural light. Experiment with different size mirrors and how they’re placed. Added benefit is the mirrors will help make the room look larger as well.

Exchange Walls for Windows-Let the sun shine in and take advantage of a view by installing a wall of windows or sliding glass door. Transom windows are the solution for having more light if the view isn’t so good or privacy is a concern.

Lighten Up-Painting walls white or another light color can help move natural light around a room. Dark molding can absorb light, so consider changing those to a lighter hue as well.

Use Existing Windows-Open the curtains or blinds during the day immediately illuminates a room. Also moving furniture around to unblock natural light.

Open the DoorReplace a solid exterior door for one with windows or side lights instantly brightens a room.